Bengt tells us about when they bought the very first Eco Log machine, harvester in the C series.
–At that time we were operating a smaller machine for thinning. Our boss at that time took us down to Kisa to look at a Eco Log demo machine. Basically, he ordered one for us on the way back home. We were quite excited and enthused, Bengt says.
Even though they have tried other machine brands during the years, the choice for Bengt has always ended up on Eco Log harvesters.
–Yes, they are enjoyable and robust base machines. Sveaskog is a good employer because we have quite a big influence when it comes to choosing machines. It’s a little bit about how we get the finances together too, and it has worked very well with these machines, says Bengt.
While we are visiting Sveaskog, Mattias gives us a tour of the new cabin where we take a closer look at some of the new features that have come with the G series. Among other things, he gives us a demonstration of what it looks like when it’s time for lunch, where the space behind the chair is now more spacious than in previous generations.
–It is very flexible. Just set the heater about 30 minutes before you want to eat and then just enjoy, says Mattias.
Today, Mattia’s lunch box consists of potatoe hotch-potch, but to the question of the best food to eat in the machine, the answer is simple.
–Fried pork and potato cakes. With some lingonberry jam. Nothing beats that, Mattias says laughing.
During the tour we also do a test of the new sound system and Mattias shows us the new control system, NexSci.
–The control system is flexible and simple. You have everything visible the screen and it is very user-friendly. Everyone can handle it, I would say, concludes Mattias.