Eco Log visits – Storstu Logging

It is a glorious early summer day when we go out to visit Storstu Logging on the island Flatgarn in Mälaren. We meet at the pier where Oskar Persson, owner of the company, arrives with the boat to give us a ride out to the small island and their new machine, an Eco Log 580G, that is operated by his father, Johan Persson.

It is a glorious early summer day when we go out to visit Storstu Logging on the island Flatgarn in Mälaren. We meet at the pier where Oskar Persson, owner of the company, arrives with the boat to give us a ride out to the small island and their new machine, an Eco Log 580G, that is operated by his father, Johan Persson.

After a lovely boat trip followed by further transportation with quad bike, we sit down to have a chat with Johan before we take a closer look at the machine. He tells us a little bit more about the job they are performing on the island.

We ended up here at the island thanks to contacts, but we are actually far from our regular geographic area in Vingåker, Södermanland. You could call this a cleaning felling. This forest has never been cut down before and now our employer want´s to achieve a park feeling to make it nice to walk around and spend time on the island. So, we are removing trees exposed to attacks from spruce bark beetles. Also, we are thinning and preserving leafy trees and pine. I am sure it will look really nice here, Oskar says.

Today, Oscar runs the company and works together with his father Johan. At a very young age Oskar used to join his father in the machine, and at Friday nights he insisted that they should go out driving on Saturday as well. Of course, daddy Johan gave in to his sons request and today he is happy of the opportunity to work alongside his son.

– I am happy to share this interest with Oskar and to be able to pass on my experience to him, says Johan.

We get the opportunity to ride along with Johan for a while in the new machine, a machine that means a big step up compared to the one he used to operate.

It was an Eco Log 580D that had run for 26 000 hours and had seen better days. Now, just the fact that everything actually works feels amazing, says Johan laughing.

The reason why they chose an Eco Log, according to Johan, is partly because of the good service that they get from their Service Provider, Julita Maskinservice, who is always at hand and provides help quickly when they need it. Johan also highlights the pendulum arms and the advantages they bring, especially in hilly and rocky terrain.

Once you have learned to operate with the pendulum arms and see the advantages the choice is rather easy. There is often a lot of rocks where we operate and you need to be able to climb. Them, the pendulum arms are of great use. Also, the drive train is really something else in this machine and I can´t even begin to compare the difference from our previous machine, says Johan.

We take the opportunity to ask a little bit more about how he enjoys the new cabin and what he thinks about all the details that has been introduced on the G series harvesters.

It is great. Both the storage spaces and the charging possibilities are useful, and I never need to charge my phone at home anymore. Also, I have my lunch here in the cabin. I just spin the chair around and then I have plenty of space to eat, Johan explains.

About a month after our visit at Storstu Logging we talk to Oskar again, and obviously we are curious to know if they have finished the job on the island and about how it turned out.

It turned out great. We are very pleased with the result and now we hope that the people spending time on the island will enjoy the surroundings and the beautiful forest, Oskar says.

See the movie from our visit at Storstu Logging here: